International Mesothelioma Program

International Mesothelioma Program

Mesothelioma is a terrible disease which has struck many across the country and across the world from asbestos lining. The cancer is deadly and dangerous, and has caused grief and suffering for many families. Still, there is hope, and doctors and scientists are working every day to help find ways to cure mesothelioma. If you've arrived at this site looking for information about this terrible disease and a way to arm yourself against the scary feeling of just not knowing what's going on or where to turn, you've come to the right place. It's easy to feel like the world is just moving around you and doesn't care about your crisis, but we understand that mesothelioma is a terrible cancer that can threaten not only the person who it afflicts, but also their families and loved ones as well. There are lots of hospitals and programs devoted to the care of mesothelioma patients around the world, and one of the very best is located in Boston, Massachusetts in the United States.

Before we go any further, it is important to understand that neither the writer nor the owners of this site are in any way affiliated with the International Mesothelioma Program at Brigham and Women's Hospital, or at any other mesothelioma program. This site is simply an informational resource and as such contains a wealth of information both on the disease itself and on the international mesothelioma program as it is one of the top treatment centers in the world for this type of cancer. This is neither a sponsored referral nor a piece of expert medical advice. This is simply research and information collected for your benefit.

The international mesothelioma program was founded by a renowned doctor, Dr. David Sugarbaker, working in concert with the Brigham and Women's Hospital, as well as Harvard Medical school, one of the top medical school programs in the world. Dr. Sugarbaker saw thousands of patients every year being diagnosed with mesothelioma and no comprehensive treatment program put in place to treat them, so he founded the international mesothelioma program there in Boston, which now provides over three hundred consultations per year, and has nearly two hundred patients. They can't help everyone with mesothelioma at the international mesothelioma program because they simply don't have the resources, but they aren't afraid to take on even the worst cases.

The international mesothelioma program has both a treatment and a research arm to help attack the cancer and eventually find a cure. It is hard work considering that it's really hard for doctors to even entirely know why mesothelioma is caused except for that it is almost always in exposure to asbestos. Beyond that, mesothelioma remains an illusive and confusing cancer, but the smartest and most accomplished doctors in the world are working on this issue day by day at the international mesothelioma center, so help is always just around the corner. This is a rare cancer, but it is a vicious and deadly cancer, and it can catch people completely off guard in a way that absolutely devastates both themselves and their families. The problem is that mesothelioma is so similar to a million other harmless problems until the very late stages of the disease when it begins to cause really serious pains and breathing problems. Prior to that, there are a lot of things you could mistake mesothelioma for, and with only between seven and forty cases in every one million people in western nations, it's not exactly the first thing doctors are looking for in most cases either unless you have a documented history of being exposed to asbestos.

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