Fasten your Nod32 Antivirus

Usually completed quickly nod32 boot process, but sometimes users install the software according to the different drives, there will be some speed impact. Windows will start the different procedures, such as: the printer's software, real-time communication procedures and so on. Such as so many start-up procedures, ESET NOD32 boot screen show the time will be given.

How can I solve this problem?

1. Firstly,You should uninstall your unnecessary programmes.

2. Remove your temporary junk files. Doing this trick is easier.Just Click on Run and write there"temp"then press enter.Remove all these junk from pc which are slowing down your nod 32 and any other antivirus.

3. Run a difragment programmefrom : Run>All Programmes>Accessories>Systemtools>Disk Difragmenter.

5.Remove files copied on desktop to fasten your antivirus as well you computer.


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