Latest Linux Software 1

Latest Linux Software:

Here is some latest linux software.Download it free but some software are not free mind it.

Jmol 11.4.6 / 11.6 RC7 | Jmol is a (bio)molecular viewer applet and application.
GeoServer 1.6.4 / 1.7.0 RC1 / 2.0.0 Alpha 1 | GeoServer is a web feature server to share geographic information.
SQLite Manager 0.3.6 for Thunderbird | SQLite Manager is a Firefox extension that can manage any SQLite dat...
Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt 0.005 | Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt is a Perl module with passphrases using...
SQLite Manager 0.3.6 for Firefox | SQLite Manager is a Firefox extension that can manage any SQLite dat...
Configuration Mania 1.09.2008081401 | Configuration Mania is an extension which provides more advanced (hi...
rsyslog 2.0.6 / 3.18.2 / 3.21.3 Beta | Rsyslog is an enhanced syslogd.
peekabot 0.5.2 | peekabot is a multi-platform 3D visualization tool primarily aimed t...
Ctpp 1.0.41 | Ctpp project is the C99-compatible C preprocessor of the ctalk langu...
Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt 0.005 | Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt is a Perl module with passphrases using...
TwitterFox 1.6.1 | TwitterFox is a Firefox extension that notifies you of your friends'...
WebGUI 7.4.40 / 7.5.20 Beta | WebGUI is a fully featured mod_perl content management system.
Scientific Linux 5.2 Live CD/DVD | Scientific Linux is a Linux release put together by Fermilab, CERN, ...
Mister Wong Toolbar 1.1.8a | Mister Wong Toolbar is a Firefox toolbar for Mister Wong, a german s...

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